Concentration Area: Basic Education

The Basic Education, as sub-area of Education, constitutes the Concentration Area of this Program, from which it is necessary to articulate two Research Lines focused on the training of teachers and Basic Education Management.

Basic Education is defined in art. 21 of the Law on the Guidelines and Bases of National Education as one of the levels of national education combining early childhood education, elementary education and high school, being compulsory from 4 to 17 years of age, including its free offer for all who had no access to it at their proper age.

The Law on the Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB) defines that the aims of Basic Education are "to develop the learner, to ensure the common formation indispensable for the exercise of citizenship and to provide them with the means to progress in the work and in later studies ".

It is understood here the Basic Education in the Brazilian historical context marked by the great concentration of incomes, by the inequalities and the denial to its population of access to basic rights such as quality health, basic sanitation and housing. In this context, basic education has its universalization as a challenge and, in public networks, many difficulties of access and permanence with quality, especially children, young people and adults of working origin. Due to its peculiarities, Basic Education has become a fertile and promising research line.


Research Line:

Basic Education Curriculum

Studies of the Basic Education Curriculum under different theoretical-methodological perspectives, focusing on the stages and modalities of the Brazilian Basic Education. Investigative inquiries about curriculum policies, the production and social distribution of knowledge, the organization of school knowledge and curricular tasks. Analysis of the relationship between curriculum and teaching; knowledge, learning and curriculum; curriculum and assessment. Study on the history of curriculum and school subjects, the relationship between curriculum and inclusion; curriculum and gender; curriculum and difference; curriculum and ethnic-racial issues; and curriculum and human rights. 


Research Line:

Management and Organization of Pedagogical Work in the Basic School

Studies of the management and organization of the pedagogical work in the basic school. Analysis of the action of the instances of coordination and management of the public school, in its different stages and modalities. Research that takes on work as an organizing principle of basic education, educational actions aimed at specific audiences implemented in school environments, as well as studies on reflexes in the basic school of environmental management and environmental education initiatives.